Visualiseurs de données
La carte Evolène est-elle imprimée? Sur quelles roches ma maison est-elle construite? Existe-il des données de forage public à cet endroit? Les visualiseurs de données «» et «» permettent de trouver une réponse à ce genre des questions.
Rechercher, visualiser, consulter et télécharger des données géologiques et géologiquement pertinentes grâce aux deux visualiseurs de données de la Confédération.
Géoportail fédéral 2D
Le géoportail de la Confédération propose un large éventail de jeux de données qui s'adressent non seulement aux spécialistes, mais aussi aux enseignants, aux professionnels des médias et au grand public. Les données sont à disposition sous forme de données numériques, d'images et de services en ligne. Les jeux de données en rapport avec la géologie sont regroupés sous le "thème géologie" et peuvent également être consultés directement sur map.geologieportal.
Visualiseur 3D des données souterraines permet la visualisation de données en 3D dans le sous-sol. L'application web place les modèles géologiques dans un contexte géographique par la combinaison des données de différents thèmes et sources. Des cartes géologiques, des forages (en partie avec représentation des couches forées), des coupes géologiques, des modèles 3D et des séismes sont disponibles pour une visualisation et pour certains en téléchargement.
Factsheet Thème Géologie
Trucs et astuces relatifs au "thème Géologie", données géologiques proposées sur le géoportail fédéral (
PDF, 5 Pages, 578 KB
Suis-nous aussi sur LinkedIn...
... et ne manque plus aucune nouvelle fonction ou donnée. Régulièrement, les derniers développements de sont publiés sur LinkedIn sous le hashtag #swissgeol.
Not only for geologists
Which is more likely to happen for the coming Easter: hiding the Easter bunnies in the snow on the last ski tour or opening the hiking season with Easter eggs for the summit picnic? may not be able to predict the weather, but thanks to the search mask you can easily load maps and use them in 3D when planning your extended weekend.
Generate Topo Profiles
Do you need a topografic profile for ...
... just seeing how steep your hike is going to be?
... creating a geological cross section?
... creating 3D models?
Use > Tools > Topo Profile > Draw line!
Download topo profile in .csv and .svg.
Best of Swiss Web Award shortlisted for "Best of Swiss Web Award"!
With the 3D subsurface viewer swisstopo and camptocamp applied for the "Best of Swiss Web Award" in the categories "Public affairs", "Innovation" and "Technology".
First round done! Looking forward to the next one.
Climbing mountains virtually
Afraid of climbing steep ridges and high mountains like shown here ? Climb it virtually, using!
And you even check which rock you are climbing… :-)
Tunnel, tunnel, tunnel,...
« s'Chileli vo Wasse » (Wassen church) located right between road (blue), railway (red) and water tunnel (light blue) in the Centre of Switzerland, close to the Gotthard Base Tunnel, the world’s longest railway tunnel in operation.
Discover the tunnel network in the subsurface of Switzerland here.
Annotate POIs, outcrops, etc.
Do you need to mark and annotate locations in 3D, like POIs, outcrops, project perimeters etc?
Use toolbox!
> In `Toolbox`, draw or upload geometry,
> start `Edit-mode`,
> fill in name, description, image-URL and website-URL and
> download geometry and share it.
Extended Slicing Function
The 3D open source viewer for subsurface data offers now extended slicing capabilities. Besides drillhole and cross-section slicing, we recently added interactive box slicing that allows to interrogate all the available data sets. More features to come, as inclined slicing planes, inverted slicing or slicing based on non-rectangular geometries.
Improved navigation tools
Controlled rise, tilt and turn in the camera configuration panel for a navigation performance as if you are sitting in a helicopter flying through the Alps. Move the camera icon on the new height slider on the right edge downwards and feel like you were Felix Baumgartner just continuing his jump below ground level.
New design is now, and it looks different …
Have a look at the new design of the Swiss sub-surface viewer and explore 3D data and new functionallity!
Last Glacial Maximum
Summer is coming! Temperatures are rising more and more. Need to cool down?
Have a look at the huge glaciers of the Last Glacial Maximum in Switzerland here!
Flying through the subsurface
Fasten your seatbelts and prepare for take-off! Discover the keyboard navigation (lower right hand side) and enjoy your personal fly-through of Switzerland’s subsurface.
All you need is to practice and a screen-cast software. Enjoy your flight!
Download selected 3D geological data
Visualize and download selected 3D geological data, e.g. horizons, faults, etc., from, the 3D open source viewer for subsurface data.
Either define a rectangle in the toolbox and download your "personalized" dataset or download the nationwide data sets through the tooltip or layer info.
870 cross-sections online!
As of today, the 3D open source viewer for subsurface data offers 870 geological cross-sections for spatial visualization and download.
For the first time, all geological cross-sections of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland 1:25'000 (GA25) have been published nationwide in three dimensions (as images).
Recent earthquakes preview
Recent earthquakes (last 90 days), such as the one which occurred on Monday 15th 2021 are now visible on
> Select Data catalog > Natural hazards > Earthquakes
> Navigate to the earthquake of interest and click on it to get detailed information.
Coll. scientifique
swisstopo / Service géologique national
Seftigenstrasse 264
Case postale
3084 Wabern
- Tél.
- +41 58 469 05 74
Milan Beres
Dr sc. nat.
Coll. scientifique
swisstopo / Service géologique national
Seftigenstrasse 264
Case postale
3084 Wabern