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Switzerland has, in terms of energy resources, a high per capita consumption. Fossil fuels such as combustibles and motor fuels account for the largest portion of that.

Gas flare in Finsterwald
Gas flare in Finsterwald: to this day, the only commercially used gas deposit in Switzerland

Here you will find out more – also about geothermal energy. It is already widely used in Switzerland. Its future potential is huge.

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy – energy from the earth’s interior – is today already widely used in Switzerland. The potential for the future is enormous.

Energy resources

Switzerland has a high per capita consumption of energy resources. Its energy requirements are covered by various sources: fossil fuels such as combustibles and motor fuels make up the largest...

Energy supply

Switzerland’s energy supply results largely from the import of fossil fuels. To reduce her CO2 emissions and become more independent on foreign countries, Switzerland must rely on energy efficiency...
