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Back Topic of the month is swisstopo's web-based open source application for the simple, structured compilation of geological borehole data. With, you can record, harmonise and export borehole data for your own use from anywhere, without licences and independent of the platform.

01.10.2020 | swisstopo, SUPSI

What can you do with it?

Currently, data on the drilling location and on several borehole profiles per well can be recorded and the associated documents can be uploaded. In the integrated map window, WMS and WMTS map services can be loaded and used to display, e.g. all the maps published in and their corresponding information. The extent of recording can be either complex or slimmed down to a minimum by selecting or deselecting data entry fields. For this purpose, the user is offered a variety of options that simplify and improve the quality of data entry, e.g. an import function, coordinate and height determination per mouse click and consistency checks of information on total depth, depth to bedrock and layer depth along the entire profile. Boreholes can be cloned, and individual data fields can be edited simultaneously across many boreholes. Simple search filters in all data fields make it easy to find and continue working on existing drilling records. Finally, all recorded data can be saved as a pdf file (borehole profile), exported as a csv or a shape file to your own application or completely removed from the application with the delete function.

The integrated workflow management, in which different authorization roles can be assigned as necessary to the responsible party, from the producer to the controller, enables a decentralized recording, control and correction of borehole data. So-called workgroups ensure that the relevant data are only visible or editable by members of the group.

Who offers what for which purpose? Who offers which service and what is the «price»? was developed by swisstopo together with the Instituto scienze della Terra of the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI-IST), initially for its own use. With this application, swisstopo is able to address its data management needs. swisstopo now makes available cost-free to all interested parties. The following options are possible:

  • Option A structured recording of borehole data is achieved according to the borehole data model of swisstopo. The data are currently stored in the swisstopo AWS cloud in compliance with legal requirements and obligations. There are no technical costs for the user.
  • Option «Docker»: The application can be downloaded as a docker container and installed on your own infrastructure. Updates are provided regularly by swisstopo. This results in corresponding installation and operating costs for the user.
  • Option «GitHub»: The source code of the application can be downloaded, installed on your own infrastructure and modified according to your needs. This results in a personalized version, in which installation, operation and administration costs (e.g. for updates) are incurred.

What will you be able to do with it in the future?

The application will be expanded continuously both in terms of content and functionality. These enhancements are made available on a regular basis. For example, there are plans to extend the existing import and export functionalities, to create a responsive design for tablets, to offer a feedback option and to add geotechnical and hydrogeological data. The Swiss Geological Survey also envisions to implement suggestions and feedback from users and to develop further with interested parties.

A documentation page, which is currently still under construction, provides explanations and instructions for data entry in and, in the future, will supply information on developer documentation. The source code of the application is also accessible via a link.

Back Topic of the month