Geology lexicon
Numerous databases and lexica about geology can be found in the internet and in book form.
You will find here a selection of the many existing internet databases and lexica about geology, rocks and minerals – several outstanding knowledge portals from the English speaking community are listed as well.
- Geological Data Viewer of the Swiss Geological Survey
No lexicon, but an extensive online collection of geological knowledge in map form.
- Wikipedia earth sciences portal
Lots of information about geology, of a surprisingly good standard, is found here.
- Lexicool: linklist of geology lexica
Multilanguage lexica, glossaries and dictionaries about geology
So to speak, the mother of all mineral links in the German speaking community. Offers considerably more than the name suggests.
- Glossary of geology
Geological technical terms explained briefly and precisely
- The lexicon of the Earth
Extensive knowledge portal for geography, geology and earth sciences.
- Mineral and fossil atlas
The most comprehensive collection of information on minerals and fossils in the German speaking community. Additionally, comprehensive information on rocks, geology, mining as well as many other topics
- Dictionary of Mining, Mineral, and Related Terms
English geology dictionary (no German entries)
- Geologynet
Very comprehensive database of minerals, rocks and much more.
- ATHENA Mineralogy Database
The most extensive mineralogical database of Switzerland.
The most comprehensive collection on minerals in the internet.
- Mineralogy Database
Substantial collection of minerals.
- Lithostratigraphic lexicon of Switzerland
Do you not know what is meant by Oehrli-Kalk or Effinger-Schichten? The lithostratigraphic lexicon will further assist you.
- Lithostratigraphic lexicon
Lithostratigraphic units of Germany.
- Earth sciences dictionary German-English
if you are looking for a geology term in English or vice versa.
- Geoinformatic lexicon
Extensive online reference on geoinformatics – for computer scientists.
- Dimension stone database of the Naturstein-Verband Schweiz
Collection on dimension stone of the Naturstein-Verband Schweiz. Contains not only Swiss rocks.
According to self-promotion, the world’s largest database on dimension stone.
- Naturalstone-net – everything for the industry
Extensive collection of commercially available dimension stone. With tips on how to use them.
- Hydrogeological glossary
International glossary of hydrogeology in many languages.
- Lexicon of earth sciences offers access to the online lexicon (in German).
- Linklist of geological glossaries
ATS Translation offers access to online lexica, glossaries and dictionaries.
- Dictionary Applied Geology: Deutsch-English-Español-Français (PDF)
Lexicon from Freiberg Online Geoscience (Technische Universität Freiberg)
Specialist literature can easily be found using search engines. Hence, only a selection with a Swiss focus is offered here.
- Mineralienlexikon der Schweiz
Stalder, Wagner, Graeser und Stuker
Wepf Verlag
ISBN 3-85977-200-7
The most comprehensive compilation of the Swiss minerals. A classic.
- Minerals first discovered in Switzerland and minerals named after Swiss individuals
Alles über die in der Schweiz entdeckten Mineralien. Englisch.
Philippe Roth
Im Eigenverlag
ISBN 3-980-7561-8-1
- Geologie der Alpen
O. Adrian Pfiffner
ISBN 978-3-8252-8416-9
Not really a lexicon, but a compilation of the lexical scope of geological knowledge of the Alps.