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Metadata (“data about data“) refers to structured data that describes an information resource and thus make these easier to find.

Computer text
Metadata on geologically relevant data the Swiss geodata portal

Federal offices, cantons, municipalities and private companies register metadata about their own geodata in by way of the federal government division COGIS (Coordination, Geo-Information and Services).

The book «Geology of Switzerland - Knowledge from Underground»

  • Overview of the available map series and data that are relevant to geology
  • Result of the collaboration among various public and private partners
  • 55 themes: 2 pages per theme containing text and images
  • 4 theme groups: Basic Data, Resources, Natural Hazards and Environmental Pollution, Geology in Everyday Life
  • 4 languages: German, French, Italian, English
  • Clear text: understandable even to non-specialists
  • Available in bookstores and through swisstopo's online shop
